Friday, September 24, 2010

Text Messaging to Improve Social Presence in Online Learning

A  new generation of students are coming through today's colleges with far more experience with technology.  They rely on this technology to stay socially and academically connected.  Text messaging is considered one way to create an environment where students and instructors can become comfortable and interact with each other.  This article addresses the use of text messaging at the university level.  The university piloted web-software that could distribute campus alerts and distance education course updates.  Then they evaluated the effectiveness of integrating text message in an online environment.  The university sent out four types of messages; course updates, grade information, deadline information and weekly "hot" topics.  The university conducted a survey where at least 75% of the students agreed and had positive comments about the pilot.  In fact, most students were willing and anxious to experiment with the use of text messaging.  This study aimed to change the pedagogy in order to accommodate the mobile lifestyle of today's students.  The study found that using the text messaging tool, students and teachers became active participants in the learning process.  The field of education is typically slow to move forward and change its ways.  I think this article showcases educations shift into its willingness to change and advance with the times.  Since social presence has been linked to the satisfaction of the online learner I think the text messaging helps to keep students feeling connected and up-to-date within their community.

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