Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Learning Centered Principal

Ok, so, I guess I am on a DuFour kick.  I really just like his ideas and how they tie into what we are learning and reading about in class.  This article discusses the role of the principal within the learning community.  After going through educational leadership courses this topic is of high interest to me.  Everyone is aware that a principal must serve as an instructional leader for the school.  It is their responsibility to set an example and keep their school abreast on the most recent instructional strategies.  I think most principals want to help their teachers teach more effectively, but how?  In order for the shift to occur principals need to change their roles as well as teachers.  They are not just instructional leaders, but learning leaders.  The principal needs to be at the forefront of changing the school culture.  Along with initiating, facilitating, and sustaining the process of the shifting school mindset the principal must also support their teachers in all aspects of professional development including confronting staff members who are not fulfilling their obligations.  Principals, now need to put student and adult learning at the core of their priorities and serve as the lead learner.

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