Tuesday, October 5, 2010

How to Facilitate Online Learning

This is a quick read about facilitating an online course.  As I read it I said to myself several times "This seems like common sense. Of course you would do this."  Then I remembered that common sense is not so common and we have all experienced online facilitators that did not do some of the points they made.  I have no idea what it is like to teach an online course.  While I am sure there are similarities to teaching face-to-face.  I am sure there are big differences as well.  They recommended five major points for the facilitators to keep in mind. 
1.  Have a base of operations.  If you will facilitate from home you should organize a home office.
2.  Establish course policies and procedures.  Work with the university to identify what they already have in place and add what you need.
3.  Regularly contact students.  Because you are not seeing the student on a regular basis it is important to make yourself accessible.  Answer emails within 24 hours.  Have regularly scheduled office hours for phone calls or chats.  Post to the discussion board so students know you are monitoring. 
4.  Provide grade feedback in a timely fashion.  Not only provide the letter grade, but also some commentary so students know if they are on the right track. 
5.  Take the diversity of students into consideration.  Students can range from traditional college students to working students.  They can be first-time students or continuing their education.  They will very in age, gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic backgrounds.  Students are individuals and need to be treated as such.
Like I said earlier I do not think this info is going to surprise anyone, but it is a good reminder for what good teachers should do.  After being part of a learning community, I truly understand why the above five points are important.  I know how I feel when I have a teacher who does not have the same kind of methods as explained above.  This can make the difference in the learning community.


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